The Latest promo video of the book by Dr Jember Teferra

Please take a moment to have a listen to the latest video my fellow collaborator, Arthur Champion has produced. It gives a little background to the book we produced together and introduces this amazing woman, a real patron and defender of the urban poor in her land of Ethiopia.

Her book, Bible Reflections from a life devoted to the poor, was edited by me and compiled by Arthur. It showcases her Christian faith in Bible passages commented on by Jember which are often very challenging, given her life choices. You can hear my husband, Angus, reading out one of the passages at the end of the video.

Jember and her husband were political prisonners under the communist regime in the 1980’s, when they had small children. Then, although the niece of Hali Selassis and from a wealthy family, Jember gave all that up to live a simple life helping her own people in Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa slums to a better life.

The book is illustrated throughout with full colour photographs of the projects she started sponsored by Bob Geldof’s Live Aid Concert, Comic Relief and other well-known charities.

Buy a copy and you won’t regret it. It’s £10 to cover our printing costs and if you are able to give a little extra the other money will go to support the two ongoing projects – One, Birhan College, which trains up other workers to carry on the work Jember began before her death in January 2021, and the other, Tesfa, which supports the children and the eldery in the project areas. You can buy a copy from my website on the shop page. Thank you.

About journojohnson

I qualified as a journalist in 2002 and after a period working as a freelance for Gloucester Media writing advertorials, interviews, articles and press releases I have gone on to write for lots of magazines and newspapers, both local and national. I write regularly for the Writers and Readers magazine but have also written for CPO's Inspire, the New Writer, Classic Ford, and Take a Break's My Favourite Recipes among many others. I published my first full-length historical novel. Waireka in 2018 and my romantic novella, Alpha Male in 2016. Both can be found on Amazon. Please follow the links on my book page.
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